Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision 2024 Technology vision

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The role of technology in transformation

We now explore the characteristics of regenerative enterprise through four viewpoints: who creates value, what value is created, how value is created and where value is created.

We also outline the five key technology areas at the heart of our research and development activity, helping us to realize our technology vision. 

Who creates value?

Who: A person's finger touching AI's iconic wavy line

AI is becoming our trusted assistant

Previously, value has been created by applying human knowledge and experience. From now on, people and their assistant AI will play a central role in creating value for organizations.

By complementing each other's strengths, people and AI will boost both productivity and creativity. This will help to improve well-being across society, enabling people to develop their creativity and drive value creation.

We’re developing and introducing the latest AI technologies on our AI platform to help organizations accelerate their AI adoption. 

  • Platform to accelerate AI adoption
  • Generative AI and Large Language Model (LLM) for automation
  • Generative AI trust technologies, improving trust in AI

What value is created?

What: Double helix structures

Regenerative value from AI and data

We've previously created value by consuming natural resources. In the future, it will be possible to create regenerative value for the environment, economy and well-being from AI and data.

The rapid evolution of AI and computing will enable end-to-end development processes to be carried out much faster in the digital space. Combining enhanced computing power with low power consumption will help to solve complex environmental and social issues.

We’re advancing and integrating AI and computing technologies to enable the creation of regenerative value.

  • Using AI to derive causal relationships from large-scale data
  • The evolution of computing with AI
  • Large-scale computations with Quantum-HPC hybrid computing

How is value created?

How: A factory that displays information about the site digitally

Autonomous distributed decision-making

In the face of uncertainty and disruption, the shift from multi-stage decision-making to autonomous decision-making can strengthen organizational resilience. Simulations that predict what is likely to happen in changing circumstances can enable front line decision-making. By recognizing situations in real-time, front-line teams can respond flexibly and quickly to change.

In turn, management and support functions can understand front-line challenges, providing data-driven coaching and oversight to help them to work more autonomously.

We’re helping to improve business agility and resilience in society by researching converging technologies, integrating digital technology with the humanities and social sciences.

  • Federated digital twins supporting decision-making
  • Predictive simulation through digital rehearsals
  • Understanding and predicting human behavior 

Where is value created?

Where: A cities that blend real and digital

Physical-digital converged ecosystems

In the future, co-creation among stakeholders with shared purpose will be possible in the physical and digital converged world. Building trusted ecosystems that leverage digital trust technology will connect organizations, helping them do business with confidence.

We expect a new digital economy to emerge, distributing regenerative environmental and well-being value as tokens across trusted ecosystems. This will help change the mindsets and behaviors of people and organizations.

We’re contributing to the creation of trusted ecosystems by advancing digital trust through the convergence of security, networking and AI technologies.

  • Building digital trust through data and security technology
  • Using AI to enhance trust between the physical and digital worlds 
  • Distribution of trust value through intelligent networks

Helping to regenerate the environment, economy and well-being through five key technologies

Our research and development is focused on five key technology areas: Computing, Network, AI, Data & Security and Converging Technologies, helping us to realize our technology vision.
We will expand our collaboration with organizations around the world by sharing technology innovation across these key technology areas through the Fujitsu Research Portal. We will also continue to work with many of the world‘s leading research institutions to accelerate open innovation.
The advanced technologies we’ve developed through open innovation will be integrated into new services to address cross-industry environmental and social issues. 

So, how can an organization use digital technology to transform into a regenerative enterprise?
Let's look at some examples of transformation in action. 

Take the first step to transformation with FT&SV 2024

Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision 2024

Download the PDF of executive summary with 18 pages and the full report with 64 pages.



  • Regenerative enterprise
  • Technology vision
  • Transformation in action

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Successful sustainability transformation depends on the right mix of technologies.
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Fujitsu Research & Development

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Fujitsu Research Portal

APIs and web applications of tech components to quickly test Fujitsu's advanced technologies for free
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