Generative AI: Use Cases as the Pathway to Value Creation

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Technology News|2024-1-10

Generative AI serves as a potent catalyst for sustainable transformation (SX), ushering in a novel framework for value creation within the industrial society. This is made possible by leveraging foundation models (LLM), which possess capabilities surpassing those of traditional AI. While the development of these foundation models is a crucial focus, the generation of compelling use cases holds equal significance. This is due to the active participation of end users, such as businesses, in the value creation process via these use cases. The task of maximizing and actualizing the immense untapped potential and novel value-creation capabilities of generative AI falls upon users with a value-driven perspective. We provide three recommendations for business executives to successfully harness the new value creation capabilities of generative AI.


Generative AI: Use Cases as the Pathway to Value Creation

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